October 9, 2004 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = M i n i o n = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ( ) ) Level: 164 Hit Points : 1586/1586 ( ( Race : Goblin Stamina : 0/0 ) ) Guild: Thief, level 566 Guild Points : 176/1016 ( ( Exp : 25654288 Total score : 1784 ) ) ( ( You have 29 of a possible 140 quest points ) ) ( ( Wimpy at 523 hit points. Str: 17 Con: 17 ) ) You have died 17 times. Int: 17 Wis: 19 ( ( You have killed 73171 monsters Dex: 19 Cha: 16 ) ) ( ( Best kill : Kehlgarand, the dark thief ) ) Arch foe : Kehlgarand, the dark thief ( ( Money : 1296584 coins carried. ) ) : 80006999 coins in the bank. ( ( ) ) Age: 153 days 1 hours 58 minutes 14 seconds. ( (_______________________________________________________) skill name lvl/ bns # skill name lvl/ bns ---------------------------------------#--------------------------------------- combat 421/ 270 # | | staff 10/ 66 | melee 1668/ 662 # | | rod 10/ 66 | | edged 463/ 450 # | | potion 10/ 64 | | blunt 40/ 132 # | | talisman 10/ 66 | | pointed 4500/1404 # | | other 10/ 64 | missile 26/ 107 # | points 10/ 66 | | thrown 30/ 114 # stealth 984/ 489 | | fired 30/ 114 # | theft 303/ 364 | | guided 20/ 93 # | sneaking 756/ 575 | unarmed 50/ 148 # | | inside 739/ 569 | | punch 50/ 148 # | | outside 774/ 582 | | kick 50/ 148 # | hiding 50/ 148 | defense 673/ 434 # | | self 50/ 148 | | dodge 40/ 132 # | | | inside 50/ 148 | | block 1306/ 736 # | | | outside 50/ 148 | special 100/ 209 # | | item 50/ 148 | points 10/ 64 # | picklock 50/ 148 magic 40/ 103 # | | traps 50/ 148 | spells 10/ 62 # | | locks 50/ 148 | | healing 10/ 62 # | attack 4728/1401 | | attack 10/ 62 # | items 50/ 148 | | defense 10/ 62 # | | traps 50/ 148 | | misc 10/ 64 # | | poisons 50/ 148 | casting 10/ 62 # | | weapons 50/ 148 | | elemental 10/ 64 # | points 947/ 644 | | | fire 10/ 64 # crafting 10/ 64 | | | water 10/ 64 # | weapon 10/ 64 | | | earth 10/ 64 # | | edged 10/ 64 | | | air 10/ 64 # | | blunt 10/ 64 | | conjury 10/ 62 # | | pointed 10/ 64 | | illusion 10/ 64 # | | fletched 10/ 64 | | summoning 10/ 62 # | armour 10/ 64 | | necromancy 11/ 65 # | | head 10/ 64 | | mental 10/ 62 # | | body 10/ 64 | | enchanting 10/ 62 # | | hand 10/ 64 | | charming 10/ 60 # | | foot 10/ 64 | | cursing 10/ 62 # | | shield 10/ 64 | | animating 10/ 62 # | weaving 10/ 66 | items 10/ 64 # | jewellery 10/ 66 | | potion 10/ 64 # | wood 10/ 64 | | scroll 10/ 64 # | metal 10/ 64 | | wand 10/ 64 # | clay 10/ 64 | | ring 10/ 64 # | alchemy 10/ 63 | | staff 10/ 64 # | | reagents 10/ 63 | | other 10/ 64 # | | | herb 10/ 64 | points 130/ 225 # | | | metal 10/ 62 faith 10/ 65 # | | | liquid 10/ 64 | rituals 10/ 65 # | | | other 10/ 64 | | healing 10/ 64 # | | | preparation 10/ 64 | | attack 10/ 66 # | | brewing 10/ 64 | | defense 10/ 64 # | | fusion 10/ 64 | | misc 10/ 66 # | | fission 10/ 64 | prayers 10/ 65 # | other 10/ 64 | | blessing 10/ 66 # | points 10/ 64 | | | living 10/ 66 # other 268/ 213 | | | object 10/ 66 # | swimming 10/ 64 | | cursing 10/ 66 # | climbing 30/ 114 | | | living 10/ 66 # | | cliff 30/ 114 | | | object 10/ 66 # | | rope 30/ 114 | | healing 10/ 64 # | | tree 30/ 114 | | | self 10/ 64 # | literacy 10/ 62 | | | target 10/ 64 # | | reading 10/ 62 | | charming 10/ 66 # | | writing 10/ 62 | | curing 10/ 64 # | perception 300/ 362 | | | self 10/ 64 # | | alertness 300/ 362 | | | target 10/ 64 # | | attentiveness 300/ 362 | | misc 10/ 66 # | social 10/ 61 | | | self 10/ 66 # | | trading 10/ 62 | | | area 10/ 66 # | | communication 10/ 60 | | | target 10/ 66 # | stamina 1505/ 768 | items 10/ 65 # | points 10/ 62